SDG 1: No poverty
Forests contribute to livelihoods and economic growth across the full value chain, from people depending on forests for their livelihoods all the way to the consumers of wood fibre products.
SDG 1: No poverty
Sustainable Development Goal
More than 700 million people, or 10% of the world population, still live in extreme poverty and is struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation. Worldwide, the poverty rate in rural areas is 17.2% - more than three times higher than in urban areas.
Forests & SDG 1:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Forests and trees are vital sources of income, livelihoods and well-being for rural populations, particularly indigenous people, smallholders, those living in close proximity to forests, and those who make use of trees outside forests.
Forests provide a wealth of income making activities. This includes not only the sale of forest products, which provides households with cash that can be used to meet food and other needs, but also in-kind benefits from forests and trees, including wood fuel, building material, food, and medicinal plants.
How PEFC contributes to SDG 1
PEFC safeguards the sustainability of non-wood forest products, which play an important role in the daily life and well-being of millions of people worldwide. We ensure that property rights, tree ownership and land tenure arrangements are clarified and established and that the legal, customary and traditional rights are respected.
The role of forestry in local – often rural - economies is specifically emphasizes in our requirements, and we help promote the long-term health and well-being of communities. PEFC certification also ensures that property rights, tree ownership and land tenure arrangements clarified and established.
PEFC’s focus on smallholders is specifically relevant in this context as they are among the most vulnerable people. Group certification, an approached developed by PEFC to enable smallholders to become certified, provides benefits beyond improved forest management practices. It offers an organizational framework as to how small land owners and producers organize themselves, encouraging them to join forces and taking advantage of enhanced collaboration.
With Trees outside Forests (TOF), a new certification approach established by PEFC in 2018, moves these benefits beyond the forest gate, making them available to small farmers whilst promoting good agricultural practices.
Selected PEFC criteria (abbreviated) and standards The organisation shall comply with legislation on forest management, including tenure and land-use rights for indigenous peoples, local communities or other affected stakeholders. The standard requires that wages shall meet at least legal, industry minimum standards or to exceed it.
8.3.1 The standard requires that the capability of forests to produce a range of wood and non-wood forest products on a sustainable basis shall be maintained.
8.6.3 The standard requires that sites areas fundamental to meeting the needs of indigenous peoples and local communities (e.g. health, subsistence) shall be protected.
8.6.4 The standard requires that management shall promote the long-term health and well-being of communities, supported by engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples.
8.6.6 The standard requires that management shall give due regard to the role of forestry in local economies.
Appendix 2: Guidelines for the interpretation of requirements for Trees outside Forests (TOF)
Standard: Group certification