Landscapes and Livelihoods: PEFC’s Stakeholder Dialogue set to navigate new terrain

We have a packed agenda, full of opportunities for discussion as we aim to scale up the positive impacts of forestry on sustainable landscapes.

Landscapes and Livelihoods: PEFC’s Stakeholder Dialogue set to navigate new terrain

29 August 2016 Driving innovation

Join us in Bali for our 2016 PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: two days dedicated to discussion, debate and exchange on how the forest sector and forest certification can better contribute to sustainable landscapes for sustainable livelihoods.

The dialogue will open with two distinguished experts providing diverse views on how to ‘bridge the gap’ and better achieve sustainability across forests, agriculture and food security. 

Dr. Terry Sunderland, Principle Scientist at CIFOR, will start us off as he shares his insights on how landscape approaches can provide a framework to reconcile competition between productive land-uses and environmental and development trade-offs.

He will go on to highlight new findings that underscore the importance of forests for many aspects of sustainable development, people’s nutrition among them.

Dr. Sadanandan Nambiar AO, (formerly, Chief Research Scientist, CSIRO, Australia) will argue that improving the productivity and profitability of forests and trees is central to achieving sustainability across landscapes and livelihoods.

For Dr. Nambiar, certification must sharpen its focus on economic sustainability. The production, processing and use of more wood is critical for poverty reduction and a contributor to climate change mitigation, and he will challenge whether certification systems currently act as a catalyst for rural development in tree-based landscapes.

The agenda takes shape

There is much to look forward to – we have a packed agenda, full of opportunities for discussion as we aim to scale up the positive impacts of forestry on sustainable landscapes.

Our panel discussions will invite exchange and debate on hot topics, including:

  • Empowering and integrating smallholders to support deforestation free, sustainable supply chains
  • Meeting the growing global demand for wood: improving productivity & expanding the resource base
  • Transferring lessons and exploring synergies across commodities for sustainable landscapes and rural economic growth

The full draft agenda is available on our event website.

Register now!

Participation in the PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue is 110 USD (plus 9.40 USD registration fee) and registration closes 12 October 2016. Space is limited, so don't delay!

Register for the Stakeholder Dialogue.

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The details

Our 2016 Stakeholder Dialogue is the public event of our annual PEFC Forest Certification Week.

This year we are heading to the vibrant island of Bali, Indonesia, from the 17-18 November.

The venue:
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort
Jalan Pantai Kuta
Kuta, IDB, 80361

Stay up-to-date!

Visit our event website for more information, from the developing agenda, speakers, logistics and of course registration.

You can also sign up to the PEFC newsletter to receive all the updates as we announce new speakers, topics and side events!

If you need more information, they please get in contact! You can find all our details on our event website.


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