What's New


5 July 2019

Spain’s winning photos impress with wonderful landscapes

Forests in photos

We proudly present the winners of PEFC Spain's 'Disfruta del Bosque con PEFC 2019' photo contest - have a look!

2 July 2019

There’s still time to give your opinion on PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks

PEFC system news

You have until 9 July 2019 to give your feedback on our revised Chain of Custody and Trademarks standards.

1 July 2019

PEFC turns 20 – celebrate with us!

20th anniversary

Learn more about our year of celebrations and the history and future of PEFC!

28 June 2019

Forests for peace and well-being: PEFC at APFW

Event report

Five action-packed days for the PEFC team at the 2019 Asia-Pacific Forestry Week. Find out more!

26 June 2019

Sydney Metro Northwest becomes first public transport project to achieve PEFC project certification

Sustainable construction

The new Sydney Metro is the first project of its type the southern hemisphere to achieve PEFC project certification.


Discover how PEFC can help you with your EUDR compliance.

PEFC Annual Review

PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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