What's New


21 June 2019

When there is no forest, there will be no us

Forests in photos

Chaiwut Temyod, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us about his photo ‘Grow the future’.

19 June 2019

Myanmar’s forests gain visibility through PEFC membership

PEFC system news

The PEFC family welcomes Myanmar as the 51st member of the PEFC Alliance.

18 June 2019

Forest certification: it’s about collaboration for peace and well-being

Event report

Ben Gunneberg, PEFC CEO, speaks at Asia-Pacific Forestry Week, highlighting the true value of certification and its indirect benefits.

17 June 2019

PEFC welcomes Vietnam as the 50th member of the family

PEFC system news

Vietnam was voted in by the PEFC General Assembly through a postal ballot, and is already developing the national forest certification system.

13 June 2019

PEFC welcomes Sappi as an International Stakeholder member

PEFC system news

Sappi is our 30th International Stakeholder member and will support our work to ensure the sustainable management of the world’s forests.


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PEFC contact

Hannah Prins

Communications Manager

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