15 March 2016
Asian Timber – Certified: Sustainable Landscapes for Sustainable Livelihoods
We offer a special supplement on forest certification in Asia to keep you abreast of these exciting movements under foot and to motivate and inspire you to get involved.
10 March 2016
Filipino advocates lead the country towards forest certification
In a pioneering move to promote forestry conservation, a group of Filipino advocates have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will move the country towards the establishment of a national forest certification system.
9 March 2016
Even the bees have a quality home
An Italian beekeeping company has become the first of its kind to receive PEFC certification, building on the success of Miele del Cansiglio, the only PEFC-certified honey in the world.
8 March 2016
Connecting smallholders and the private sector: unleashing the real potential of forestry in Asia
Exploring the interface between large-scale private sector and smallholders at Asia-Pacific Forestry Week.
1 March 2016
Forest certification on prime time Filipino news
PEFC International representatives and our National members gave their advice and guidance at the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week in the Philippines. This meeting was captured by People’s Television (PTV), and given a slot on the 6pm news.