20 March 2014
PEFC Certified Fashion!
Forests for Fashion
From high heels and handbags made from cork, wooden frames for eyeglasses, to the rayon and viscose items in our wardrobes, forests provide so many essential ingredients.
17 March 2014
Australia, New Zealand and beyond: towards the tipping point on forest certification in Asia Pacific
Ben Gunneberg, Secretary General of PEFC International, looks forward to discussing with stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand how they can best benefit from and support the expansion of PEFC in the region.
14 March 2014
PAFC Cameroon to initiate standard development process
PAFC Cameroon launches the official public kick-off for the development process of the national standard at its first Stakeholder Forum.
13 March 2014
PEFC at Singapore’s Green Pavilion 2014
Join us this week at the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) Green Pavilion, part of the International Furniture Fair Singapore 2014.
5 March 2014
Russia seeks re-endorsement by PEFC
PEFC system news
Give your feedback on the Russian National Voluntary Forest Certification System by 3 May 2014.