Photo contest winners depict the diverse richness of India’s forests
Take a look at the winning images of and discover the many dimensions of Indian forests are revealed through the winners of the “Experience Forests, Experience Life” photo contest, run by the Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF).
Photo contest winners depict the diverse richness of India’s forests
2 August 2018 Forests in photos
Natures Dawn
The many different dimensions of Indian forests are revealed through the winners of the “Experience Forests, Experience Life” photo contest, run by the Network for Certification and Conservation of Forests (NCCF).
Way to Heaven
“The photo contest opens a platform for photographers to reflect and give shape to these various dimensions of forests through their lenses,” said Sachin Raj Jain from NCCF, our national member for India.
All 650 photos entered into the contest can be seen on Instagram under the hashtag #nccfindia2018.
The winning images
The forest of the Manjarabad Fort in Karnataka, India, sets the scene for the winning image.
The photo was taken by Sharath Appanna and is called ‘Natures Dawn’. It shows the impressive forest in the early morning, as the sun rays cut through the clouds.
Life of the Endangered Unicorn
Amit Shah came in second with the image ‘Way to Heaven’ taken in the Valley of Flowers National Park in Uttrakhand, India. Depicting snow covered mountains and alpine flowers, the photo impressively reveals the rich diversity of India’s nature.
Third place went to Pranav Calapatti for the image ‘Life of the Endangered Unicorn’. Captured in the Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India, the photo shows two Indian one-horned rhinos in their natural habitat.
“Khaziranga is one of the most fragile habitats for the Indian one-horned rhino," explained Mr. Calapatti.
"As unique as it is, this gentle animal faces problems such as rampant poaching.”
Photo credit: Sharath Appanna, Amit Shah, Pranav Calapatti