Technical documentation

Technical documentation

Indian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of India, endorsed by PEFC on 27 February 2019. The review date is 9 September 2022.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of India, endorsed by PEFC on 27 February 2019. The review date is 9 September 2022.

Austrian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Austria, re-endorsed by PEFC on 29 March 2018. The review date is 29 May 2022.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Austria, re-endorsed by PEFC on 29 March 2018. The review date is 29 May 2022.

Romanian sustainable forest management standard

National standard

The national sustainable forest management standard of Romania, endorsed by PEFC on 4 June 2018. The review date is 29 May 2022.

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The national sustainable forest management standard of Romania, endorsed by PEFC on 4 June 2018. The review date is 29 May 2022.

Chain of Custody of Forest-Based Products – Guidance for Use, PEFC GD 2001:2014

Former Technical Documentation

This document was replaced by PEFC GD 2001:2022, except for Annex 1: Guidance for the implementation of PEFC Chain of Custody for specified projects, which remains valid until covered by a new official document.

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This document was replaced by PEFC GD 2001:2022, except for Annex 1: Guidance for the implementation of PEFC Chain of Custody for specified projects, which remains valid until covered by a new official document.

Belarusian assessment report

Assessment Report

Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Belarus, by ForestSense.

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Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Belarus, by ForestSense.

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