Technical documentation
Italian sustainable forest management standard
National standard
The national sustainable forest management standard of Italy, endorsed by PEFC on 31 May 2017. The review date is 28 October 2020.
The national sustainable forest management standard of Italy, endorsed by PEFC on 31 May 2017. The review date is 28 October 2020.
Russian assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Russia, by Indufor Oy.
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Russia, by Indufor Oy.
Certification Body Requirements – Chain of Custody, PEFC ST 2003:2012
Former Technical Documentation
This document defined the requirements for certification bodies carrying out PEFC chain of custody certification. This edition has been replaced by PEFC ST 2003:2020.
This document defined the requirements for certification bodies carrying out PEFC chain of custody certification. This edition has been replaced by PEFC ST 2003:2020.
Belarusian sustainable forest management standard
National standard
The national sustainable forest management standard of Belarus, endorsed by PEFC on 27 October 2017. The review date is 14 November 2019. The Belarusian national system is currently suspended due to the current political situation.
The national sustainable forest management standard of Belarus, endorsed by PEFC on 27 October 2017. The review date is 14 November 2019. The Belarusian national system is currently suspended due to the current political situation.
Luxembourg assessment report
Assessment Report
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Luxembourg, by ForestSense.
Assessment report for the national forest certification system of Luxembourg, by ForestSense.