6 September 2019
Humans, wildlife and forest landscapes – the winners of Sweden’s photo contest have it all
Forests in photos
Discover the winners of PEFC Sweden's ‘Experience Forests – Experience PEFC’ photo contest!
4 September 2019
The WAF shortlist – a library, a distillery and a university campus re-imagining timber construction
Sustainable construction
Have a look at the last three finalists for the Best Use of Certified Timber Prize, supported by PEFC, and discover the versatility and special atmosphere of timber buildings!
3 September 2019
Trees outside Forests: PEFC reaches beyond forests
20th anniversary
Millions of people rely on trees growing outside of forests to provide them with food, materials and their livelihoods. Last year, PEFC revolutionized forest certification by expanding it to Trees outside Forests.
30 August 2019
Winning photos show hard work and its results in Uruguay’s forests
Forests in photos
PEFC Uruguay presented the winners of their 2019 'Experience Forests, Experience PEFC' photo contest - have a look at them!
28 August 2019
The WAF shortlist: a moving kiosk and an opera house open for everybody
Sustainable construction
Two more finalists of the Best Use of Certified Timer Prize, supported by PEFC, highlight why timber is a really special construction material!