27 August 2019
PEFC governance & standards development: Clarifying roles and responsibilities
20th anniversary
In PEFC, standards are developed by standard setting working groups, the PEFC General Assembly gives the formal approval.
23 August 2019
Life is more beautiful in nature
Forests in photos
Rendra des Kurnia, a runner up in our 2018 ‘Experience Forests, Experience PEFC’ photo contest tells us about his photo ‘Spreading Seeds’.
21 August 2019
The WAF shortlist: a natural sports centre and a wooden luxury suite lodge
Sustainable construction
We proudly present two more finalists for the World Architecture Festival’s Best Use of Certified Timber Prize, supported by PEFC.
20 August 2019
Our Board of Directors – in the service of PEFC
20th anniversary
While the General Assembly has the final say on decisive issues, our Board of Directors has an important role to play in support of it.
19 August 2019
FLEGT VPA and PEFC certification synergies: the future looks bright in Vietnam
Event report
Interesting outcomes at the PEFC APFW event ‘Development of synergies between PEFC and other initiatives such as FLEGT'.