16 October 2014
Certification as a solution to tropical deforestation: keynote speaker announced
Kerstin Canby, Forest Trends, will get the PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue started with the key findings of the recently published Consumer Goods and Deforestation report.
14 October 2014
PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue: five weeks to go!
The Dialogue already boasts a wide range of speakers and an agenda which promises an open and constructive dialogue. Register now!
13 October 2014
Wooden triangles take on a new shape at Helsinki Design Week
Constructed from nearly 3,000 individual wooden triangles, the centerpiece came to life over three days, revealing its final shape on the last day.
13 October 2014
WWF at risk? WWF accused of being used for greenwashing
According to Mr. Huismann, “the Geneva-based WWF International has received millions of dollars from its links with governments and business."
9 October 2014
Indonesian forests to benefit from PEFC certification
PEFC system news
Indonesian national forest certification system achieves PEFC endorsement.