1 October 2014
PEFC and AB Group Packaging host ‘Food from the Forests’ event at Packaging Innovations
“Food from the Forests” highlighted the multiple uses of forests, including the importance of forests as a source of food.
30 September 2014
PEFC and Interpol together against corruption in the timber industry
PEFC Italy, Conlegno, RiSSC, Risk Monitor and CNVP launch a project to prevent criminal organizations infiltrating into the EU timber market.
24 September 2014
PEFC supports global New York Declaration on Forests
PEFC as the world's leading forest certification system welcomes this partnership, recognizing the potential that this wide coalition of actors can achieve by joining forces.
23 September 2014
Spanish PEFC System Development Toolkit launched in Mexico
The Toolkit was launched on the second day of the FAO and National Forestry Commission organized Seminar on Sustainable Forest Management: International Experiences and Perspectives for Mexico.
22 September 2014
PEFC encourages global unions to continue to be involved with FSC
BWI re-assessing their position regarding FSC, as a result of FSC's failure to promote ILO core labour standards.