5 November 2014
Japan becomes fourth Asian country to join as a PEFC national member
Following in the footsteps of China, Indonesia and Malaysia, the addition of Japan’s SGEC shows that PEFC truly is the forest certification system of choice for the region.
5 November 2014
PEFC heads to Vietnam for Forestry Certification Workshop
Stakeholders interested in promoting sustainable forest management in Viet Nam are able to benefit from the first PEFC/VFAS Forestry Certification Workshop, taking place in Hanoi on 8 December.
3 November 2014
China celebrates endorsement of its national system at International Symposium
The endorsement of the Chinese Forest Certification Scheme (CFCS) was the centerpiece of the recent International Symposium on Forest Certification, held in Beijing, China.
31 October 2014
Purchasing newsprint from sustainable sources highlighted at WAN-IFRA Conference
The environmental benefits of purchasing newsprint that originates from sustainably managed forests was the focus of PEFC’s Singapore-based consultant Michael Buckley’s presentation.
29 October 2014
Food, Fuel, Fiber and Forests: Gary Dunning set for his knowledge blast at PEFC’s Stakeholder Dialogue
Sustainable landscapes and how they relate to supply chains for food, feed, fiber and fuel is the focus of one of the ‘knowledge blasts’ at the upcoming PEFC Stakeholder Dialogue.